Match played at Frys on 20-11-05.

The game today was played in cold and foggy conditions against Ashton Boys which we knew would be a couple of hard matches.


A Team     In a game in which all players battled we just did not get any lucky breaks. With Ashton Boys number 2 in outstanding form unfortunately with the Duke trying to beat him on several occasions. We were a bit unlucky with illness with both Rhino and Harry Clarke unable to finish the match. But a special mention to Demon who was outstanding in defence today and all the players used in the A Team battled to the very end of the match. We lost the game 2-0.


Man Of The Match; Jacob (Demon) Moore.


B Team   in a game where we had to do without the three Dan’s the team once again battled to the very last whistle in very cold and foggy conditions. Once again we just didn’t manage to get any lucky breaks in the game with every move breaking down before it reach our striker’s today. A little mention of a player who controlled the defence and that was Chopper (Lewis Holt) who timed all his tackles today which was nice to see. As well the midfield all battled hard and we were unlucky to lose the game 4-0.


Man Of The Match: Eli MacBritton


Also I would like to thank the two dads who refereed the matches for me today. I would also like to say that the boys did look good in their new kit. It was quite clear to see that the opposition had a couple of older boys playing in both games. So there was no shame in losing the game, we just improve next week.